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Dr. John E. Kashiwabara College Scholarships

Dr. John E. Kashiwabara was a dedicated family doctor and surgeon who practiced privately
from 1954 to 1990. He was an active supporter of various community organizations including
the Long Beach Japanese Cultural Center, formerly known as the Harbor Japanese Community
Center. During his career, he delivered numerous babies particularly within the Japanese-
American community. His endowment fund provides annual contributions to a scholarship fund
at LBJCC offering scholarships to deserving high school seniors who plan to attend a junior or
four-year college after graduation.


LBJCC is awarding $500 scholarships to qualified deserving applicants. There may be more than one recipient per year with each recipient receiving a $500 scholarship.

The scholarship will be awarded to a graduating high school senior that is going to a junior or 4-year college or trade school in the next year. The college does not necessarily need to be local; it can be out of state. The student’s family must be a member of LBJCC or a LBJCC Member Organization.


Can a person receive the scholarship more than one time?

No, the intent of the scholarship is to help young students going off to college for the first time.


When is the window for application submission and deadline?

Applications will be accepted during the months of December and January with a deadline of January 31.


When will winners be notified?

Winners will be notified during the first week of February and will be presented with a check at  the LBJCC Shinnenkai held on the second Sunday of February.

Scholarship Application

Click on the link below to complete the application online

If you have any questions, please email

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